Anyone of an age knows it would be unthinkable to do this project and not include Lambchop, but for those of you too young to be in on the secret...
"Lamb Chop is a sock puppet sheep created by late comedian and ventriloquist Shari Lewis. In 1957, Lamb Chop, a ewe, first appeared with Lewis on Hi Mom, a local morning show that aired on WNBC in New York.
Lamb Chop has been described as a "6-year-old girl, very intuitive and very feisty, a combination of obstinacy and know how they say fools rush in where wise men fear to go? Well, Lamb Chop would rush in, then scream for help." Lamb Chop, in all her shows, had referred to her close friend, a girl named Lolly Pincus."
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